- B–book, J–article in refereed journal, C–conference, R–report, Ch–chapter in edited book,
Ed–book editor, D—discussion.
- Bear, J., Zaslavsky, D. and S. Irmay. Physical Principles of Water Percolation and Seepage, UNESCO, Arid Zone Research, Publ. No. XXIX, Paris, 456 pp., 1968.. Translated into Russian.
- Bear, J. Dynamics of Fluids in Porous Materials, American Elsevier, 1972. Also reissued by Dover publication, 1988. Translated into Chinese.
- Bear, J. Hydraulics of Groundwater, McGraw Hill, 1979. Translated into Chinese. Also reissued by Dover publication, 2007
- Bear, J. and A. Verruijt. Modeling Groundwater Flow and Pollution, Kluwer Academic Publ., 1987.
- Bear, J. and Y. Bachmat. Introduction to Modeling Transport Phenomena in Porous Media, Kluwer Acad. Publ., 1990.
- Bear, J. and A. Cheng, Modeling Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport, Springer, 2010.
- Bear, J. Modeling Phenomena of Flow and Transport in Porous Media, Springer, 742pp. , 2018.
- Bear, J. (editor), First International Conference on the Fundamentals of Transport Phenomena in Porous Media, IAHR Conference, Haifa, Israel Elsevier Publ. Co, 392 pp., 1972.
- Bear, J., and M.Y. Corapcioglu (editors), Fundamentals of Transport Phenomena in porous Materials, Proceedings of a NATO Advanced Study Institute conducted at Newark, Delaware, NATO Advanced Science Institutes Series E; Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1015 pp. 1984.
- Bear, J., and Y.M. Corapcioglu (Editors). Advances in Transport Phenomena in Porous Media, Proceedings of the 1985 NATO Advanced Study Institute held in Newark, DL., Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1030 pp., 1987.
- Jousma, G. Bear, J. Haimes, Y.Y., Walter, F. Groundwater Contamination: Use of Models in Decision-Making, Kluwer Acad. Publish., 1989.
- Bear, J., and J.M. Buchlin (Editors) Modelling and Applications of Transport Phenomena in Porous Media Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 380 pp., 1991.
- Bear, J., C. F. Tsang and G. de Marsily, editors, Flow and Contaminant Transport in Fractured Rocks, Academic Press, 560pp. 1993.
- Bear, J., A.H.-D Cheng, S. Sorek, D. Quazar, and I. Herera, Editors, Seawater Intrusion into Coastal Aquifers-Concepts, Methods, and Practices, Kluwer Academic Publications, 625pp., 1999.
- Niemi, A.,Bear,J. and Bensabat, J. Geological Storage of CO2 in Deep Saline Formations, Springer, 554pp., 2017.
January, 2010
R–1 Kruysse, M. P. C. and Bear, J. Investigations of ground water movement and related problems in Zealand Flanders by means of a horizontal slit model (viscous flow analogy). Government Institute for Water Supply, The Hague, Netherlands, 55p., 1956.
R–2 Kahana, Y., and Bear, J., Report on the hydrological situation in Emek-Hefer, Tahal, Tel-Aviv, P.N. 23a, 38pp., May 1957.
R–3 Bear J., Artificial replenishment of ground water, Tahal, Tel-Aviv, P.N. 24, 43 p. (in Hebrew) Feb. 1958.
Ch–4 Breuer, J., and Bear, J., Hydroelectric Plants, Chap. 23 in Engineering Handbook (in Hebrew) edited by S.G. Ettingen, 1958.
R–5 Bear, J., Principles of ground water hydrology, Tahal, Tel-Aviv, P.N. 59, 51 p. (in Hebrew) Feb. 1959.
R–6 Bear, J., and Kahana, Y., The determination of ground water levels from measurements in pumping wells, Tahal, P.N. 40, 12 p. (in Hebrew), March 1958.
R–7 Todd, D.K., and Bear, J., River seepage investigations, Water Resources Center Contribution 20, Hydraulic Laboratory, Univ. of California, Berkeley, 163 pp., Sept. 1959.
J–8 Bear, J., Scales of viscous analog models for ground water studies Proceedings of the A.S.C.E., Journ. of Hydraulic Division, 86(HY2):11-23, 1960.
D–9 Todd, D.K., and Bear, J., Discussion of Drainage of Agricultural Lands, Proceedings of the A.S.C.E., Irrigation and Drainage Division, IR3:113-115, 1959.
J–10 Bear, J., and Todd., D.K., Seepage through layered anisotropic media, Proceedings of A.S.C.E., 87(HY3):31-57, 1961.
J–11 Bear, J., On the tensor form of dispersion, Journal of Geophysical Research, 66(4):1185-1197, 1961.
J–12 Bear, J., Some experiments on dispersion, Journal of Geophysical Research, 66(8):2245-1467, 1961.
R–13 Bear, J., The transition zone between fresh and salt waters in coastal aquifers. Ph.D. thesis, University of California, Berkeley, Sept. 1960, 139 p. (also published as: Bear, J., and Todd David, K., The transition zone between fresh and salt waters in coastal aquifers, Hydraulics Laboratory, Univ. of California, Berkeley, Water Resources Center, Cont. No. 29, 156 p.).
R–14 Kahana, Y., and Bear, J., Ground water investigations in Israel, (in Hebrew), Symposium on Hydraulic Research in Israel, Technion City, Haifa, pp. 55-61, 1961.
Ch–15 Bear, J., Chapter on ”Hydrology” in the Hebrew Encyclopedia (3000 words), (in Hebrew).
R–16 Zaslavsky, D., and Bear, J., Investigations on the drainage of the 108” Main Conduit, Stage II: Capillary Rise, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Soil Mechanics Lab. P.N. 1/61, Oct. 1961, 30 pp. (in Hebrew with English abstract).
R–17 Bear, J., and Zaslavsky, D., Investigations on the Drainage of the 108” Main Conduit, Stage I: The flow profile, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Hydraulics Lab. P.N. 1/61, Dec. 1961, 97 pp. (in Hebrew + English abstract).
R–18 Kahana, Y., and Bear, J., Safe yield determination in a coastal aquifer, Water Planning for Israel, Tel Aviv, P.N. 208, June 1961, 19 pp.
R–19 Bear, J., and Zaslavsky, D., Underground storage and mixing of water, Progress Report No. 1, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Hydraulic Lab. P.N. 2/62 April, 1962, 102 pp.
R–20 Irmay, S., Bear, J., and Zaslavsky, D., Determination of Hydraulic conductivity of soils by means of infiltration rings, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Hydraulic Lab., P.N. 1/62, May 1962, 68 pp.
R–21 Bear, J., and Dagan, G., The use of the hodograph method for ground water investigations, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, P.N. 24, 47 pp. Dec. 1962.
R–22 Bear, J., and Dagan, G., The transition zone between fresh and salt waters in coastal aquifers, Progress Report No. 1: The Steady Interface between Two Immiscible Fluids in a TwoDimensional Field of Flow, Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Hydraulics Lab. P.N. 3/62, 124 pp. Dec. 1962.
R–23 Naor, I., and Bear, J., Model investigations of coastal groundwater interception (Caesarea Region), Joint Experimental Coastal Ground- Water Collectors Project, Technical Report No. 1, Tahal, Tel-Aviv, P.N. 262, 54 pp., January 1963.
C–24 Bear, J., and Peranio, A., In situ measurement of ground-water salinity, Indian Institute of Science Symposium on Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machines, Bangalore, India, pp. 304-310, May 1963.
R–25 Bear, J., and Dagan, G., The transition zone between fresh and salt waters in coastal aquifers, Progress Report No. 2: A. Steady Flow to an Array of wells above the Interface, B. Approximate Solution for a Moving Interface, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Hydraulics Lab., P.N. 1/63, 46 pp. July 1963.
C–26 Bear, J., and Dagan, G., Intercepting fresh water above the interface in a coastal aquifer, XIII General Assembly of the IUGG, Berkeley, California, I.A.S.H., Publ. No. 64, pp. 154-181, 1963.
C–27 Harpaz, Y., and Bear, J., Investigations of the mixing of water in underground storage operations, XIII General Assembly of the IUGG, Berkeley, California, I.A.S.H., Publ. No. 64, pp. 132-153, Aug. 1963.
J–28 Bear, J., and Dagan, G., Some exact solutions of interface problems by means of the hodograph method, Journ. of Geophys. Research, 69(8):1563-1572, 1964.
J–29 Bachmat, Y., and Bear, J., The general equations of hydrodynamic dispersion in homogeneous isotropic porous medium, Journ. of Geophys. Research, 69(12):2561-2567, 1964.
J–30 Bear, J., and Dagan, G., Moving interfaces in coastal aquifers, Journ. of the Hydraulic Div., A.S.C.E., 90(HY4):193-216, 1964.
C–31 Buras, N., and Bear, J., optimal utilization of coastal aquifers; presented at the ”Congress International de Genie Rural”, Luzan, Switzerland, 14 pp., Sept. 1964.
R–32 Zeichner, D., Bear, J., and Zaslavsky, D., Drainage by means of interceptor lines in phreatic aquifers, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Hydraulics Lab., 150 pp. ( in Hebrew with English Summary) June 1964.
R–33 Mercado, A., and Bear, J., Planning the Haifa Bay experimental field, Underground water storage study, Tech. Report No. 3, Water Planning for Israel Ltd., Tel-Aviv, P.N. 284, 28 pp., June 1964.
D–34 Bear, J., Discussion on a paper ”Hydraulic electric analog computers”, by Walton, W.C., Proc. of A.S.C.E., 90(HY4):321-324, 1964.
R–35 Bear, J., and Jacobs, M., Underground storage and mixing of water, Progress Report No. 2: The movement of water bodies injected into confined aquifers, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Hydraulic Lab., P.N. 2/64, 43 pp., July 1964.
R–36 Bear, J., and Dagan, G., The transition zone between fresh and salt waters in coastal aquifers, Progress Report No. 3: The unsteady interface below a coastal collector, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Hydraulics Lab., P.N. 3/64, 122 pp., August 1964.
R–37 Bear, J., Levin, S., and Buras, N., Optimal utilization of aquifers as elements of water resources systems, Progress Report No. 1: general concepts and research program, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Hydraulics Lab., P.N. 4/64, 86 pp., December 1964.
J–38 Bear, J., and Jacobs, M., On the movement of water injected into aquifers, Journ. of Hydrology, pp. 37-57, March 1965.
J–39 Bear, J., and Dagan, G., The relationship between solutions of flow problem in isotropic and anisotropic soils, Journ. of Hydrology, pp. 88-96, March 1965.
R–40 Bear, J., Braester, C., Hydraulics of flow from infiltration ponds to drains and wells, Water Planning for Israel, P.N. 395, 85 pp., June 1965 (in Hebrew).
R–41 Bear, J., and Bachmat, Y., A unified approach transport phenomena in porous media, Underground storage and mixing project, Progress Report 3, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Hydraulics Lab. P.N. 1/65, 75 pp., July 1965.
R–42 Mercado, A., and Bear, J., Mixing of labelled water by recharging and pumping in the same well, Water Planning for Israel, Ltd., Underground Water Storage Study, Technical Report No. 24, P.N. 511, 146 pp., December 1965, (in Hebrew).
R–43 Bear, J., Jacobs, M., and Braester, C., The use of models and analogs in reservoir engineering, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Hydraulics Lab., P.N. 2/66, 135 pp., January 1966.
R–44 Bear, J., and Dagan, G., The transition zone between fresh and salt waters in coastal aquifers, Progress Report No. 4: Increasing the yield of a coastal aquifer by means of special operation techniques, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Hydraulics Lab. P.N. 1/66, 81 pp., January 1966.
R–45 Bear, J., and Schwartz, J., Electric analog regional groundwater studies; The hydrological regime of the Turonian–Cenomanian aquifer of Central Israel, Underground Water Storage Study, Technical Report 16, Water Planning for Israel, P.N. 609, 79 pp., June 1966.
R–46 Bear, J., and Dagan, G., The transition zone between fresh and salt waters in coastal aquifers, Progress Report No. 5: The transition zone at the rising interface below the collector, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Hydraulics Lab., P.N. 3/66, 35 pp., July 1966.
R–47 Bear, J., and Bachmat, Y., Hydrodynamic dispersion in non-uniform flow through porous media taking into account density and viscosity differences, Technion Institute of Technology, Hydraulics Lab. P.N. 4/66 (in Hebrew with English summary), 308 pp., June 1966.
R–48 Bear, J., and Levin, O., Optimal utilization of an aquifer as an element of a water-resources system, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Hydraulics Lab. P.N. 5/66, 219 pp., June 1966.
J–49 Bear, J., and Braester, C., Flow from infiltration basins to drains and wells, Journ. A.S.C.E., 92(HY5):115-134, 1966.
C–50 Bear, J., and Levin, O., An approach to management and optimal utilization of aquifers, Proceeding of the Second Annual Conference of the American Water Resources Assoc., Chicago, III., pp. 200-212, Nov. 1966.
R–51 Kinsky, I., Tsur, Y., Bear, J., and Diskin, H.M., Sand stabilization methods for observation wells, Technion Research and Development Foundation, Hydraulics Lab., P.N. 6/66, 35 pp., November 1966.
C–52 Bear, J., and Bachmat, Y., A generalized theory on hydrodynamic dispersion, Proc. I.A.S.H. Symposium on Artificial Recharge and Management of Aquifers, IASH Publ. No. 72, pp. 7-16, March 1967.
C–53 Bear, J., and Levin, O., The optimal yield of an aquifer. I.A.S.H. Symposium on Artificial Recharge and Management of Aquifers, IASH Publ. No. 72, pp. 401-412, March 1967.
R–54 Bear, J., Diskin, M.H., Goldshlager, E., and Amir, A., The Hydro- logical balance of the coastal aquifer, (Strip No. 6), Technion Research and Development Foundation, Hydraulics Lab., 100 pp. (in Hebrew), May 1967.
R–55 Bear, J., Braester, C., Jacobs, M., On the possibility of oil entrapment in the Northern Negev, Technion, Hydraulics Lab., P.N. 1/68, 101 pp., Jan. 1968.
B–56 [2] Bear, J., Zaslavsky, D., and Irmay, S., Physical Principles of Water Percolation and Seepage, UNESCO, Arid Zone Research, Publ. No. XXIX, Paris, 456 pp., 1968.
R–57 Bear, J., Braester, C., and Jacobs, M., Model investigations on the recovery of oil from the Brur Oil Field, Technion, Hydraulics Lab., P.N. 5/68, 33 pp., April 1968.
J–58 Dagan, G., and Bear, J., Solving the problem of local interface upcoming in a coastal aquifer by the method of small perturbations, Journ. of Hydraulic Research, 6(1):15-44, 1968.
C–59 Bear, J., and Braester, C., On the flow of two immiscible fluids in fractured porous media, Proc. 1st Int. Symp. on the Fundamentals of Transport Phenomena in Porous Media, Haifa, Israel, pp. 177-202. 1969.
Ch–60 Bear, J., Hydrodynamic Dispersion, Chapter 4 in ”Flow Through Porous media”, R.J.M.
de Wiest, ed., Academic Press Inc., pp. 109-199, 1969.
R–61 Bear, J., and Gabison, R., The use of an electrical analog for the investigation of flow regime in aquifers of complex geology due to pumping and recharge operations, Technion, Hydraulics Lab., (in Hebrew) 159 pp., May 1969.
Ch–62 Bear, J., Two liquid flows in porous media, Chapter 2, vol. 6 of ”Advances in Hydroscience”, V.T. Chow ed., Academic Press Inc., pp. 141-252, 1970.
R–63 Bear, J., and Goldshlager, E., The movement of the interface in a coastal aquifer resulting from changes in the exploitation regime, Technion, Hydraulics Lab., (in Hebrew), 114 pp., March 1970.
R–64 Bear, J., and Mualem, Y., The form of the interface in steady flow in a stratified porous medium, Technion, Hydraulics Lab., (in Hebrew), 115 pp., March 1970.
R–65 Dagan, G., Kahanovich, A., and Bear, J., Heat and mass transfer in porous media, Hele-Shaw model experiments simulating the Kinneret aquifer, Technion, Hydraulics Lab., (in Hebrew), 31 pp., May 1970.
R–66 Shamir, U., Bear, J., Graupe, D., and Hefez, E., The use of hybrid computers for solving groundwater problems, Hydraulics Lab., (in Hebrew), 80 pp., August 1970.
B–67 [3] Bear, J., ”Dynamics of Fluids in Porous Media”, book published by American Elsevier Publishing Co., New York, 761 p. 1972.
C–68 Bachmat, Y., and Bear, J., Mathematical formulation of transport phenomena in porous media, Proceeding I.A.H.R. Symposium on the Fundamentals of Transport Phenomena in Porous Media, Guelph, Canada, 1972.
R–69 Bear, J., Shamir, U., and Hefez, E., Numerical modeling of ground water systems, P.N. 180, Hydraulics Lab., Technion, 38 pp., June 1972.
R–70 Bear, J., Shamir, U., and Hefez, E., Forecasting water levels and identifying parameters in a cell model of an aquifer, (in Hebrew), Hydraulics Lab., Technion, Haifa, Israel, P.N. 27/72, 184 pp., September 1972.
R–71 Bear, J., Bachmat, Y., and Partom, E., On the movement of salts in unsaturated flow. Progress Reports: 1. P.N. 70/13, 27 pp., Sept. 1970; 2. P.N. 17/71, 41 pp., Dec. 1971; 3. P.N. 32/73, 39 pp., March 1973, (all in Hebrew).
R–72 Hefez, E., U. Shamir, and J. Bear. Forecasting aquifer water levels by means of digital computers (in Hebrew), P.N. 81.72, 85 p. Water Resources Lab., Technion, Haifa, Israel, 1972.
R–73 Caspi, I., Bachmat, Y., and Bear, J., A mathematical model for aquifer calibration. Progress Reports: 1. P.N. 26/72, 35 pp., Aug.72; 2. P.N. 35/73, 52 pp. June 73, (in Hebrew).
R–74 Hefez, E., U. Shamir, and J. Bear. The use of linear and quadratic programming for identifying the parameters of a cell model of an aquifer (in Hebrew), P.N. 30/73, 866 pp. Water Resources Lab., Technion, Haifa, Israel, Israel, 1973.
R–75 Mualem, Y., and Bear, J. The shape of the interface in steady flow in a stratified aquifer. Water Resources Res., 10(6): 1207-1215, 1974.
J–76 Hefez, E., Shamir, U., and J. Bear, Identifying the parameters of an aquifer cell model, Water Resources Research, 11(6):993-1004, 1975.
J–77 E. Hefez, U. Shamir, and J. Bear, Forecasting water levels in aquifers by numerical and semihybrid methods, Water Resources Research, 11(6):988-992, 1975.
R–78 Kapuler, Y., and Bear, J., A numerical solution for the movement of the interface in a multilayered coastal aquifer (in Hebrew), Water Planning for Israel, P.N. 01.74.70, 170 pp., 1975.
J–79 Bear, J., On the aquifer’s integrated balance equations, Advances in Water Resources, 1:15-23, 1977. Also: Publ. 76-WR-3, 26 pp., Water Resources Program, Princeton Univ., 1976.
C–80 Bear, J., Some comments on the equations governing the movement and accumulation of a pollutant in an aquifer, Proc. Conf. on Ground Water and Quality Measurement, Prediction and Protection, 24 pp., Reading,
J–81 Mualem, Y., and Bear, J., Steady phreatic flow over a sloping semi- pervious layer, Water Resources Res., 14(3):403-408, 1978.
J–82 Bear J., and G.F. Pinder, Porous medium deformation in multiphase flow, Proc. ASCE, 104(EM4):881-894, 1978.
J–83 Barak, A.Z., and J. Bear, Flow at high Reynolds numbers through anisotropic porous media. Advances in Water Resources, 4(2):54-66, 1981.
B–84 [4] Bear, J., Hydraulics of Groundwater, McGraw-Hill Book Co., London 567 p. 1979. Also re-published by Dover Publications, 2007.
C–85 Bear, J., Relations between microscopic and macroscopic descriptions in porous media, Proc. Intern. Conf. of IAHR, on Scale Effects in Porous Media, Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. 2-32, 1978.
D–86 Bear, J., Discussion on: A.N.S. Al Niami and K.R. Rushton, Flow against dispersion in porous media; (J. of Hydrology, 33:87-97, 1977), J. of Hydrology, 40:381-385, 1979.
J–87 Bear, J., On the aquifer integrated balance equations, Advances in Water Resources, Technical Comment, 3(3):141-2, 1980.
R–88 Bear, J., U. Shamir and A. Gamliel, A model for optimal annual mana- gement of the coastal aquifer in Israel, Center for Environmental Engineering, Technion, Haifa, Israel (in Hebrew), 105 pp., Jan. 1980.
C–89 Bear, J. On the derivation of macroscopic description of transport phenomena in porous media by local averaging, Proc. of Seminar of Free Boundary Problems, held at the Institute Nazionale di Alte Mathematica, Pavia, Italy, Sept. 1979, Vol. I, pp. 9-30, Rome 1980.
C–90 Bear, J., Hydrodynamic dispersion, ditto, Vol, I, pp. 33-54, Rome, 1980.
C–91 Bear, J., The integrated aquifer equations, ditto, pp. 55-77.
J–92 Bear, J., and I. Kapuler, A numerical solution of the movement of an interface in a layered coastal aquifer, J. of Hydrology, 50:273-298, 1981.
J–93 Bear, J., and Y. Corapcioglu, Mathematical model for regional land subsidence due to pumping, Part. 1: integrated aquifer equations based on vertical displacement only, Water Resources Research, 17(4):937-946, 1981.
J–94 Bear, J., and Y. Corapcioglu, Mathematical model for regional land subsidence due to pumping, Part. 2: Integrated aquifer equations for vertical and horizontal displacements, Water Resources Research, 17(4):947-958, 1981.
J–95 Shamir, U., Bear, J., and A. Gamliel, Optimal annual operation of a coastal aquifer, Water Resources Research, 20(4):947-958, 1981.
J–96 Bear, J., and Y. Corapcioglu, A mathematical model for consolidation in a thermoelastic aquifer, due to hot water injection and pumping, Water Resources Res., 17(3):723-736, 1981.
R–97 Bear, J., U. Shamir, and C. Braester. A numerical model for the movement of the interface in a coastal aquifer, Report, Research No. 0-13-780-2, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Technion Israel Institute of Technology, 80 pp., October 1981.
C–98 Bear, J., Education problems related to groundwater resources, Proceeding, International Conference on Modern Approaches to Groundwater Resources Management, Capri, Italy, Vol. 2, pp. 155-177, October, 1982.
J–99 Bear, J., and G. Pinder, Porous medium deformation in multiphase flow, A.S.C.E Journ. of Geotechnical Engineering, 109(5):734-737, 1983.
J-100 Bear, J., and Y. Bachmat, On the equivalence of areal and volumetric averages in transport phenomena in porous media, Advances in Water Resources, 6(1):59-62, 1983.
J-101 Bachmat, Y., and J. Bear, The dispersive flux in transport phenomena in porous media. Advances in Water Resources, 6(3):169-174, 1983.
J-102 Corapcioglu, Y., and J. Bear, A Mathematical model for regional land subsidence due to pumping, Part 3. Intergrated equations for a phreatic aquifer, Water Resources Research, 19(4):895-908, 1983.
R-103 Shapiro, A.M., J. Bear, and Shamir, U., Development of a numerical model for predicting the movement of the regional interface in the coastal aquifer of Israel, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, 131 pp., 1983.
C-104 Bachmat, Y., and J. Bear, Modeling of groundwater quality and pollution, Proc. Int. Conference on Groundwater and Man, Sydney, Australia, 17 pp., 1983.
C-105 Bear, J., and Y. Bachmat, Transport phenomena in porous media: The Basic Equations, Fundamentals of Transport Phenomena in Porous Media (Editors: J. Bear and Y. Corapcioglu), pp. 3-62, 1984. Martinus and Nijhoff Publishers, The Hague, Netherlands.
C-106 Corapcioglu, Y., and J. Bear, Land subsidence, ditto, pp. 445-498, 1984.
D-107 Bear, J., and P.C. Menier, Discussion on Unsteady analysis of Wallace Dam by M.M. Aral and M.M. Maslia, J. of Hydraulic Eng. of ASCE, 110(5):668-669, 1984.
J-108 Braester, C., and J. Bear, Some hydrodynamic aspects of compressed air energy storage in aquifers, J. of Hydrology, 73:201-225, 1984.
J-109 Bear, J., and A.M. Shapiro, On the shape of the non-steady interface intersecting discontinuities in permeability. Advances in Water Resources, 7(3):106-112, 1984.
C-110 Corapcioglu, M. Y., Bear, J., and S. Mathur, One-dimensional subsidence with variable total stress. Proc. of the 3rd Intern. Symp. on Land Subsidence, Venice, Italy, March, 1984. (IASH, Publ. no. 151, 19-28, 1986).
C-111 Bear, J., and M.Y. Corapcioglu, Averaged Regional Land Subsidence Equations for Artesian Aquifers, in Groundwater Hydraulics (editors: I. Resenshein and G.D. Bennett), (Proceedings of the John Ferris Symp. held at the A.G.U. meeting in Baltimore, MD., 1181), AGU Water Resources Monograph Series No. 0, Washington DC, pp. 83-107, 1983.
J-112 Anderson, J., A.M. Shapiro, and J. Bear, A stochastic model of a fractured rock conditioned by measured information. Water Resources Research, 20(1):79-88, 1984.
J-113 Bear, J., Y, Corapcioglu and J. Bulkarishna, Modeling of centrifugal filtration in unsaturated deformable porous medium, Advances in Water Resources, 7(4):150-167, 1984.
Ed-114 Bear, J., and M.Y. Corapcioglu (editors), Fundamentals of Transport Phenomena in porous Materials, Proceedings of a NATO Advanced Study Institute conducted at Newark, Delaware, NATO Advanced Science Institutes Series E; Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1015 pp. 1984.
J-115 Bear, J., U., Shamir, A. Gamliel, and A.M. Shapiro, Motion of the seawater interface in a coastal aquifer by the method of successive steady states, J. of Hydrology, 76:119-132, 1985.
C-116 Shapiro, A.M. and Bear, J., Evaluating the Hydraulic Conductivity of Fractured Rock from Information of Fracture Geometry, Proc. of the Conference on Hydrology of Rocks of Low Permeability, Arizona, Jan. 1985.
C-117 Bachmat, Y. and Bear, J., On the Concept and Size of Representative Elementary Volume, pp. 3-20 in Advances in Transport Phenomena in Porous Media, Proceeding of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, conducted at Newark, DE, July 1985, (published by Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1987).
C-118 Bear, J., and Y. Bachmat, Advective and Diffusive Fluxes in Porous Media, pp. 21-46 in Advances in Transport Phenomena in Porous Media, Proceeding of the NATO Advanced Study Institute conducted at Newark, DE, July 1985, (published by Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1987).
C-119 Bear, J. Conceptual and Mathematical Modelling of Flow and Pollution in Aquifers, 31 pp. Proc. of the A.S.C.E. Speciality Conference on Hydraulics and Hydrology in the Small Computer Age, Orlando,FL., August 1985.
C-120 Shamir, U., Bear, J., Arad, N., Y. Gal-Nur, N. Selbst and Y. Vardi, National Water Policy: methodology and its application, Proceedings of IASH Symposium on the Scientific Basis for Water Resources Management, pp. 369-379, Jerusalem, Israel, September 1985.
J-121 Karni, Z., L.P. Ivan, and J. Bear, An outline of continuum modeling of brain tissue mechanics, Journ. of Child Neurology, 1:119-125, 1986.
J-122 Bachmat, Y. and J. Bear, Macroscopic modelling of Transport in Porous Media, Pt. 1: The continuum approach, Transport in Porous Media, 1(3):213-240, 1986.
J-123 Bear J., and Y. Bachmat, Macroscopic Modelling of Transport in Porous Media, Pt. 2: Applications to mass, momentum and energy transport, Transport in Porous Media, 1(3):241270, 1986.
C-124 Sorek, S., J. Bear and Z. Karni, Compartmental Modelling of Brain Tissue Mechanics, Proc. 4th Mediterranean Conf. on Medical and Biological Eng., Sevilla, Spain, pp. 123-126, Sept. 1986.
J-125 Karni, Z., Bear, J., S. Sorek and Z. Pinzewski, A Quasi Steady State Compartmental Model of Intracranial Fluid Dynamics. Medical and Biological Eng. and Computing, 25:167-172, 1987.
B-126 Bear, J., and A. Verruijt, Modelling of Groundwater Flow and Pollution. Book published by Reidel Book Co., Netherlands, 414 pp. 1987.
J-127 Bear, J., C. Braester and P.C. Menier, Effective and Relative Permeabilities of Anisotropic Porous Media, Transport in Porous Media, 2(3):301-316, 1987.
Ch-128 Bear, J., and B. Berkowitz, Groundwater Flow and Pollution in Fractured Rock Aquifers, in Developments in Hydraulic Engineering (P. Novak, Ed), Elsevier Applied Science Publ., Vol. 4, pp. 175-238, 1987.
Ed-129 Bear, J., and Y.M. Corapcioglu (Editors). Advances in Transport Phenomena in Porous Media, Proceedings of the 1985 NATO Advanced Study Institute held in Newark, DL., Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1030 pp., 1987.
D-130 Bear, J.,and C. Braester, Comment on Three-Dimensional Finite-Element Model for Simulating Water Flow in Variably Saturated Porous Media, by P.S. Huyakorn et al., Water Resources Res., 23(8):1705-1706, 1987.
C-131 Bear, J., and U. Shamir, Methodology for a developing national water policy, with Israel’s case as an example, pp. 75-95, Proc. Int. Conf. on Groundwater Contamination – Use of Models in Decision Making, pp. 75-96, Kluwer, Netherlands, 1989.
C-132 Bear, J., A. Nir and J. Bensabat, Heat and Mass Transfer in Unsaturated Porous Media, with Application to Thermal Energy Storage, in Groundwater Flow and Quality Modelling (E. Custodio et al, editors), pp. 57-74, Reidel Publishing Co., Dordrecht, Netherlands, 1988.
J-133 Sorek, S., J. Bear and Z. Karni, A non-steady compartmental flow model of the cerebrovascular system, J. Biomechanics, 21(9):695-704, 1988.
J-134 Berkowitz, B., J. Bear and C. Braester, Continuum Model for Contaminant Transport in Fractured Porous Formation. Water Resources Research, 27(8):1225-1236, 1988.
J-135 Sorek, S., J. Bear and Z. Karni, Intracranial Compartmental Pulse Wave Simulation, Mathematical Bioscience, 89:149-159, 1988.
J-136 Sorek, S., M. Finesod and J. Bear, Can NPH be caused by cerebral small vessel disease? A new look based on a mathematical model, Med.& Biol. Engineering and Computing, 26(3):310313, 1988.
J-137 Bear, J., and J. Bensabat. Advective Fluxes in Multiphase Porous Media under Nonisothermal Conditions. Transport in Porous Media, 4(5):423-448, 1989.
J-138 Sorek, S., J. Bear and Z. Karni. Resistances and Compliances of a Compartmental Model of the Cerebrovascular Fluid. Anals of Biomedical Engineering, 17:1-12, 1989.
B-139 Bear, J., and Y. Bachmat, Introduction to Modeling of Transport Phenomena in Porous Media. 554 pp. Kluwer Academic Publ, 1990.
Ch-140 Bear, J., Eight Lectures on Mathematical Modelling of Transport in Porous Media, in Modelling and Applications of Transport Phenomena in Porous Media (Editors: J. Bear and J.M. Buchlin), pp. 1-194, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991
Ed-141 Bear, J., and J.M. Buchlin (Editors) Modelling and Applications of Transport Phenomena in Porous Media Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 380pp., 1991.
B-142 Bear, J. Dynamics of Fluids in Porous Media, Second Edition (of the 1972 book) Dover Publ., New York, 761 pp., 1988.
J-143 Bear, J. and S. Sorek, Evolution of Governing Mass and Momentum Balances Following an Abrupt Pressure Impact in a Porous Medium. Transport in Porous Media, 5(2):169-185, 1990.
J-144 Bear, J., Bensabat, J., and A, Nir, Heat and Mass Transfer in Unsaturated Porous Media at the Hot Boundary: 1. One-dimensional Analytical Model. Transport in Porous Media. 6(3):281-298, 1991.
Ed-145 Jousma, G., Bear, J., Haimes, Y.Y., and F. Walter (Eds). Groundwater Contamination Use of Models in Decision Making, Kluwer, Netherlands, 656pp., 1989.
C-146 Bear, J.,and Y. Bachmat. Deletion of nondominant effects in modeling transport in porous media, in Advances in Transport Phenomena in Porous Media, Proceeding of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, conducted at Pullman, WA, July 1989, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, pp., 43-68, 1990.
C-147 Sorek, S., and J. Bear. Sensitivity analysis with parameter estimation in a heterogeneous aquifer with abrupt parameter changes: Theory. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, pp. 435-461, Venice, Italy, June, 1990.
C-148 Bear, J. and M. Y. Corapcioglu. Wave Propagation in Saturated Porous Media – Governing Equations, pp. 91-94, in Wave Propagation in Granular Media (D. Karamanlidis, and R. B. Stout, editors). Proceedings of the A.S.M.E. meeting, San Francisco, CA., Dec., 1989.
J-149 Bear, J., and Y. Bachmat Deletion of Nondominant Effects in Modeling Transport in Porous Media. Transport in Porous Media, 7(1):15-38, 1992
J-150 Bear, J., Sorek, S, Ben-Dor, G. and G. Mazor. Displacement waves in saturated thermoelastic porous media. 1. Basic equations. Fluid Dynamic Research 9:155-159, 1992.
R-151 Sorek, S., J. Bear, Feinsod, M., Allen, K., and L.Bunt. Models of Cerebral Body Perfusion and Cerebral chemical transport, Scientific Report No. 3, prepared for the US Air Force Office for Scientific Research, July, 1987.
J-152 Sorek, S., J. Bear, G. Ben-Dor, and G. Mazor. Shock Waves in Saturated Thermoelasic Porous Media. Transport in Porous Media, 93-13, 1992.
C-153 Bear, J., Transport Phenomena in Porous Media. In Proceeding of NATO Advanced Study Institute on Convective Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous Media, Cesme, Turkey, July, 1990 (S. Kakac, B. Kilkis, F. A. Kulacki, and F. Arinc, Eds.), 1991.
C-154 Bear, J., Modeling Transport Phenomena in Porous Media. In Proceeding of the International Seminar on Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous Media, International Center for Heat and Mass Transfer (ICHMT), Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, May 20-25, 1991.
Ed-155 Xue Yuqun and Bear, J. (Editors) Proceeding of the International Conference on Modeling in Groundwater Resources, Nanjing, P. R. China, April, 1991.
C-156 Bear, J. Ravina, I., and N. Shachar. Contamination of the Unsaturated Zone by Heavy Metals Originating in a landfill, in Proceeding of the International Conference on Modeling in Groundwater Resources (Xue Yuqun and Bear, J., Editors), Nanjing, P. R. China, pp. 299-310, April, 1991.
Ed-157 Bear, J., and M. Y. Corapcioglu (editors), Advances in Transport Phenomena in Porous Media, Proceeding of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, conducted at Pullman, WA, July 1989, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 825pp., 1990.
R-158 Bear, J. M. S. Beljin, and R. R. Ross. Fundamentals of Groundwater Modeling, in EPA Groundwater Issue, EPA/540/S-92/005, 11pp., 1992.
Ed-159 Bear, J., C. F. Tsang and G. de Marsily, editors, Flow and Contaminant Transport in Fractured Rocks, Academic Press, 560pp. 1993.
Ch-160 Bear, J. Modeling Flow and Contaminant Transport in Fractured Rocks, Chap. 1 in Flow and Contaminant Transport in Fractured Rocks (Editors: Bear, J., C. F. Tsang and G. de Marsily), Academic Press, pp. 1-37, 1993.
C-161 Bear, J. and J. J. Nitao. Conceptual and Mathematical Modeling of Flow and Contaminant Transport In the Unsaturated Zone under Nonisothermal Conditions. Proceeding of International Colloquium on Porous and Fractured Unsaturated Media: Transport and Behaviour, Monte Verite, Switzerland, October, 1992, 41pp. 1993.
R-162 Bear. J., and J. J. Nitao. Infiltration and Contaminant Transport in the Vadose Zone (Nonisothermal). Part 1: Conceptual and Mathematical Models. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Rep. UCRL-JC-111742 Pt. 1, 1993.
J-163 Levy, A., Ben-Dor, G., Sorek, S., and J. Bear. Jump Conditions Across Strong Compaction Waves in Gas Saturated Rigid Porous Media. Shock Waves, 3(2):105-111, 1993.
J-164 Vadasz, P., Braester, C., and J. Bear. The Effect of Perfectly Conducting Side Walls on Natural Convection in Porous Media. Intern. Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 36(5)11591170, 1993.
J-165 Corapcioglu, M. Y., S. Mathur, and J. Bear, Dynamic Compaction of Saturated Porous Columns. J. of Engineering Mechanics, of ASCE, 119(8), 1993.
R-166 Bear, J. and J. J. Nitao. On Equilibrium and Primary Variables in Transport in Porous Media. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Rep. UCRL-JC-111743, 1993.
C-167 Bear, J. and J. J. Nitao. On Equilibrium and the Number of Degrees of Freedom in Modelling Transport in Porous Media. In Proceedings of Intern. Symp. on Transport and reactive processes in aquifers (Th. Dracos, and F. Stauffer, eds.), pp. 431-436, 1994
C-168 Bear, J. Use of Models in Decision Making. In Proceedings of Intern. Symp. on Transport and reactive processes in aquifers (Th. Dracos, and F. Stauffer, eds.), pp. 3-9, 1994
R-169 Nitao, J. J., and Bear, J. On Potentials and Equilibrium In Transport in Porous Media, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Rep. UCRL-JC-111741, 1994.
R-170 Bear, J. E. Nichols, J. Ziagos, and A. Kulshrestha. Effect of Contaminant Diffusion into and out of Low-Permeability Zones. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Rep. UCRLJD-115626, 1994.
J-171 Bear, J. and J. J. Nitao. On Equilibrium and Primary Variables in Transport in Porous Media. Transport in Porous Media, 18(2):151-184, 1995.
J–172 Bear, J. and A. Gilman. Migration of salts in the Unsaturated Zone Caused by Heating. Transport in Porous Media, 19(2):139-156, 1995.
J–173 Levy, A., Sorek, S., Ben-Dor, G., and J. Bear. Evolution of the Balance Equations in Saturated Thermoelastic Porous Media Following Abrupt Simultaneous Changes in Pressure and Temperature. Transport in Porous Media, 21(3):241-267, 1995.
C-173a Levy, A., Ben-Dor, G., Sorek, S., and J. Bear. Jump Conditions Across Compaction (Shock) Waves in Porous Media, in Shock Waves, Marseille Ed., R. Brun and L. Z. Dumitrescu, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 203-209,
J–174 Nitao, J. J., and Bear, J. Potentials And Their Role In Transport in Porous Media. Water Resources Research, 32(2):225-250, 1996.
J–175 Gilman, A., and Bear, J. The Influence of Free Convection on Soil Salinization in Arid Regions. Transport in Porous Media, 23(3):275-301, 1996
J–176 Bear, J., Ryzhik, V., Braester, C., and Entov, V. On the movement of a NAPL lens on the water table. Transport in Porous Media, 25(3): 283-311, 1996.
Ch–177 Bear., J. Modeling Transport Phenomena in Porous Media, in Environmental Studies– mathematical, computational and statistical analysis (Wheeler, M. F. Editor), pp. 27-64, 1996.
J–178 Bear, J., S. Sorek, and V. Borisov. On the Eulerian–Lagrangian formulation of balance equations in porous media. Numerical Methods in Partial Differential Equations, 13(5), 1997.
J–179 Bear, J., Y. Sun. Optimization of pump-treat-inject (PTI) design for the remediation of a contaminated aquifer: multistage design with chance constraints. J. Contam. Hydrol., 29(3):223-242, 1998.
J–180 Wang, F., J. Bear and A. Shaviv. Modelling simultaneous release, diffusion and nitrification of ammonium in the soil surrounding a granule or nest containing ammonium-fertilizers, European J. of Soil Science, 49:351-364, 1998.
J–181 Bear, J; Wang, F; Shaviv, A (1998): A comprehensive N-dynamics model for predicting Nfate subject to environmentally friendly fertilisation practices – Mathematical model. Journal of Transport in Porous Media 31(3):249-274.
J–182 Wang, F. Bear, J., and A. Shaviv. A comprehensive N-dynamics model for predicting Nfate subject to environmentally friendly fertilization practices: II. Numerical model and model validation, Transport in Porous Media, 33:309-323, 1998.
J–183 Bear, J. and V. Ryzhik, On the displacement of NAPL lenses and plumes in a phreatic aquifer, Transport in Porous Media, 33(3):227-255.1998.
C–184 Bear, J. and V. Ryzhik. On the movement of NAPLs above and within a phreatic aquifer, Chap. 20, in Soil and Aquifer Pollution (H. Rubin, N. Narkis, and J. Carbery (eds.)), SpringerVerlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 300-321, 1998.
C–185 Wang, F., J. Bear, and A. Shaviv. Simulation of N-dynamics in soils subject to environment friendly fertilization practices. Proceedings of the Dahlia Greidinger International Symposium on Fertilization and the Environment, Technion, Israel, pp. 321-336, 1997.
Ch–186 Bear, J., Mathematical modeling of seawater intrusion-Conceptual and Mathematical Modeling, Ch. 5 in Seawater Intrusion into Coastal Aquifers , Bear, J., et al. editors, 127-161, Kluwer Academic Publications, 1999.
Ch–187 Bear, J., A.H.-D Cheng, S. Sorek, D. Quazar, and I. Herera, Editors, Seawater Intrusion into Coastal Aquifers-Concepts, Methods, and Practices, Kluwer Academic Publications, 625pp., 1999.
J-188 Zhou, Q., J. Bensabat, and J. Bear, Accurate calculation of specific discharge in heterogeneous porous media, Water Resources Research, 37(12), 3057-3069, 2001.
J-189 Sun, Y. Peterson, J. N., Bear, J., Clement, T. P., and Hooker, B. S. Modeling Microbial Transport and Biodegradation in a Dual-Porosity system. 35:1(49-65) Transport in Porous Media, 1999.
J-190 Bensabat, J. Zhou, Q., and J. Bear, An Adaptive Pathline-Based Particle tracking Algorithm for the Eulerian-Lagrangian method, Advances in Water resources, 23(4):383-397, 2000.
J-191 Matmon, D., Gridin, V. V., Bear, J., Frydman, S. and Schechter, I., Non-aqueous-phaseliquid breakthrough during evaporative drying of clay barriers, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 50(3-4):243-260, 2001.
J-192 Sun, Y., Petersen, J.N. and Bear, J. Successive identification of biodegradation rates for multiple sequentially reactive contaminants in groundwater. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 51:83-95, 2001.
J-192 Bear, J, Zhou, Q., Bensabat, J.Three Dimensional Simulation of Seawater Intrusion in Heterogeneous Aquifers, with Application to the Coastal Aquifer of Israel.
First International Conference on Saltwater Intrusion and Coastal Aquifers—
Monitoring, Modeling, and Management. Essaouira, Morocco, 11pp.,April 23–25, 2001.
C-193 Kremen A., Bear J., Shavit U. and Shaviv A. 2002, A Model for Nitrogen Transformations in Effluent Irrigated Soil Aggregates, Proceedings of the ASAE /CIGR July, Chicago USA, 2002 .
J-194 Bear, J. Editorial: Management of a coastal aquifer. Ground Water, 42(3):317, 2004.
Ch-195 Bear, J. Mathematical models of flow and contaminant transport in saturated porous media, pp. 89-178, in Modelling Coupled Phenomena in Saturated Porous Materials (J. Kubik, M. Kaczmarek, I. Murdoch, Eds.), Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw, Poland, 2004.
J-196 Zhou, Q., Bear, J., and Bensabat J. Saltwater Upconing and Decay Beneath a Well Pumping Above an Interface Zone, Transport in Porous Media, 61(3):337-363, 2005.
J-197 Kremen, A., Bear, J., Shavit, U., and Shaviv, A. A Model Demonstrating the Potential for Coupled Nitrification Denitrification in Soil Aggregates, Environmental Science & Technology., 39(11); 4180-4188. 2005.
Ch-198 Bear,J. Sea Water Intrusion into Coastal Aquifers, Part 13, Encyclopedia of Hydrological Sciences, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Vol. 4, Art. 157, pp. 2431-2442, 2005.
Ch-199 Bear, J. Modeling Solute Transport Phenomena, Part 13, Encyclopedia of Hydrological Sciences, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Vol. 4, Art. 152, pp. 2341-2354, 2005.
Ch-200 Bear, J. and , Zhou, Q. Sea Water Intrusion into Coastal Aquifers, Chapter in the Handbook of Groundwater Engineering, 2nd ed., (J. W. Delleur, ed.), CRC PRESS,pp. 12-1–12.29, 2006.
B–201 Bear, J., Hydraulics of Groundwater, DOVER Publ. New York, 567 p. Reprint of the 1979 book published by McGraw-Hill Book Co., London, 2007.
B–202 Bear, J., and A.H.-D Cheng, Modeling Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport, SPRINGER, 834pp., 2010.
J–203 Bear, J., L. Fel and Zimmels, Y. Effects of material symmetry on coefficients of transport in anisotropic porous media, Transport in Porous Media. Vol. 82(2), 347-361, 2010.
J–204 Fel, L. and J. Bear, Dispersion and Dispersivity Tensors in Saturated Porous Media with Uniaxial Symmetry, Transport in Porous Media, 85:1, 259–268, 2010.
J-205 Bear, J., Is the porous medium approach applicable to phenomena of transport in biological systems? Editorial in Journal of Porous Media, Manuscript #10-JPM-1821, 2011.
J-206 Bear, J. A.H. -D Cheng, Comment on: ”Methods to Derive the Differential Equation of the Free Surface Boundary” by Chongxi Chen, Xingxing Kuang, and Jiu Jimmy Jiao, in Ground water, 48(3), May-June 2010.
J-207 Bear, J., Rubinstein, B., and L. Fel. Capillary Pressure Curve for Liquid Menisci in a Cubic Assembly of Spherical Particles below Irreducible Saturation. Transport in Porous Media, 89:1, 63-73, 2011.
J-208 Bear, J., and L. Fel. A Phenomenological Approach to Modeling Transport in Porous Media. Transport in Porous Media, 92:3, pp. 649-665, 2012.
Ed-209 Niemi, A., Bear,J. and Bensabat, J. (eds.) Geological Storage of CO2 in Deep Saline Formations, Springer, 554pp. , 2017.
J-210 P. Dillon1*, T. Grischek2, M. Lluria3, R.D.G. Pyne4, R.C. Jain5, P. Stuyfzand6, J.Bear7, J. Schwarz8, Weiping Wang9, …and more authorsת Sixty years of Global Progress in Managed Aquifer Recharge, Hydrogeology Journal. 27, 2019.
B-211 Bear, J. Modeling Phenomena of Flow and Transport in Porous Media, Springer, 742pp. , 2018.
[1] B–book, J–article in refereed journal, C–conference, R–report, Ch–chapter in edited book,
Ed–book editor, D—discussion.
[2] Translated into Russian.
[3] Translated into Chinese, 1983
[4] Translated into Chinese, 1985